Chapter 1
This epistle chiefly contains directions to Titus concerning
the elders of the Church, and the manner in which he should give
instruction; and the latter part tells him to urge obedience to
magistrates, to enforce good works, avoid foolish questions, and
shun heresies. The instructions the apostle gave are all plain
and simple. The Christian religion was not formed to answer
worldly or selfish views, but it is the wisdom of God and the
power of God.
The apostle salutes Titus. (1-4) The qualifications of a
faithful pastor. (5-9) The evil temper and practices of false
teachers. (10-16)
Verses 1-4
All are the servants of God who are not slaves of sin and
Satan. All gospel truth is according to godliness, teaching the
fear of God. The intent of the gospel is to raise up hope as
well as faith; to take off the mind and heart from the world,
and to raise them to heaven and the things above. How excellent
then is the gospel, which was the matter of Divine promise so
early, and what thanks are due for our privileges! Faith comes
by hearing, and hearing by the word of God; and whoso is
appointed and called, must preach the word. Grace is the free
favour of God, and acceptance with him. Mercy, the fruits of the
favour, in the pardon of sin, and freedom from all miseries both
here and hereafter. And peace is the effect and fruit of mercy.
Peace with God through Christ who is our Peace, and with the
creatures and ourselves. Grace is the fountain of all blessings.
Mercy, and peace, and all good, spring out of this.
Verses 5-9
The character and qualification of pastors, here called
elders and bishops, agree with what the apostle wrote to
Timothy. Being such bishops and overseers of the flock, to be
examples to them, and God's stewards to take care of the affairs
of his household, there is great reason that they should be
blameless. What they are not to be, is plainly shown, as well as
what they are to be, as servants of Christ, and able ministers
of the letter and practice of the gospel. And here are described
the spirit and practice becoming such as should be examples of
good works.
Verses 10-16
False teachers are described. Faithful ministers must
oppose such in good time, that their folly being made manifest,
they may go no further They had a base end in what they did;
serving a worldly interest under pretence of religion: for the
love of money is the root of all evil. Such should be resisted,
and put to shame, by sound doctrine from the Scriptures.
Shameful actions, the reproach of heathens, should be far from
Christians; falsehood and lying, envious craft and cruelty,
brutal and sensual practices, and idleness and sloth, are sins
condemned even by the light of nature. But Christian meekness is
as far from cowardly passing over sin and error, as from anger
and impatience. And though there may be national differences of
character, yet the heart of man in every age and place is
deceitful and desperately wicked. But the sharpest reproofs must
aim at the good of the reproved; and soundness in the faith is
most desirable and necessary. To those who are defiled and
unbelieving, nothing is pure; they abuse, and turn things lawful
and good into sin. Many profess to know God, yet in their lives
deny and reject him. See the miserable state of hypocrites, such
as have a form of godliness, but are without the power; yet let
us not be so ready to fix this charge on others, as careful that
it does not apply to ourselves.
The duties which become sound doctrine. (1-8) Believing
servants must be obedient. (9,10) All is enforced from the holy
design of the gospel, which concerns all believers. (11-15)
Verses 1-8
Old disciples of Christ must behave in every thing
agreeably to the Christian doctrine. That the aged men be sober;
not thinking that the decays of nature will justify any excess;
but seeking comfort from nearer communion with God, not from any
undue indulgence. Faith works by, and must be seen in love, of
God for himself, and of men for God's sake. Aged persons are apt
to be peevish and fretful; therefore need to be on their guard.
Though there is not express Scripture for every word, or look,
yet there are general rules, according to which all must be
ordered. Young women must be sober and discreet; for many expose
themselves to fatal temptations by what at first might be only
want of discretion. The reason is added, that the word of God
may not be blasphemed. Failures in duties greatly reproach
Christianity. Young men are apt to be eager and thoughtless,
therefore must be earnestly called upon to be sober-minded:
there are more young people ruined by pride than by any other
sin. Every godly man's endeavour must be to stop the mouths of
adversaries. Let thine own conscience answer for thine
uprightness. What a glory is it for a Christian, when that mouth
which would fain open itself against him, cannot find any evil
in him to speak of!
Verses 9-10
Servants must know and do their duty to their earthly
masters, with a reference to their heavenly one. In serving an
earthly master according to Christ's will, He is served; such
shall be rewarded by him. Not giving disrespectful or provoking
language; but to take a check or reproof with silence, not
making confident or bold replies. When conscious of a fault, to
excuse or justify it, doubles it. Never putting to their own use
that which is their master's, nor wasting the goods they are
trusted with. Showing all good fidelity to improve a master's
goods, and promote his thriving. If ye have not been faithful in
that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is
your own?
Luke 16:12
. True religion is an honour to the
professors of it; and they should adorn it in all things.
Verses 11-15
The doctrine of grace and salvation by the gospel, is for
all ranks and conditions of men. It teaches to forsake sin; to
have no more to do with it. An earthly, sensual conversation
suits not a heavenly calling. It teaches to make conscience of
that which is good. We must look to God in Christ, as the object
of our hope and worship. A gospel conversation must be a godly
conversation. See our duty in a very few words; denying
ungodliness and worldly lusts, living soberly, righteously, and
godly, notwithstanding all snares, temptations, corrupt
examples, ill usage, and what remains of sin in the believer's
heart, with all their hinderances. It teaches to look for the
glories of another world. At, and in, the glorious appearing of
Christ, the blessed hope of Christians will be complete: To
bring us to holiness and happiness was the end of Christ's
death. Jesus Christ, that great God and our Saviour, who saves
not only as God, much less as Man alone; but as God-man, two
natures in one person. He loved us, and gave himself for us; and
what can we do less than love and give up ourselves to him!
Redemption from sin and sanctification of the nature go
together, and make a peculiar people unto God, free from guilt
and condemnation, and purified by the Holy Spirit. All Scripture
is profitable. Here is what will furnish for all parts of duty,
and the right discharge of them. Let us inquire whether our
whole dependence is placed upon that grace which saves the lost,
pardons the guilty, and sanctifies the unclean. And the further
we are removed from boasting of fancied good works, or trusting
in them, so that we glory in Christ alone, the more zealous
shall we be to abound in real good works.
Obedience to magistrates, and becoming behaviour towards all,
are enforced from what believers were before conversion, and
what they are made, through Christ. (1-7) Good works to be done,
and useless disputes avoided. (8-11) Directions and
exhortations. (12-15)
Verses 1-7
Spiritual privileges do not make void or weaken, but
confirm civil duties. Mere good words and good meanings are not
enough without good works. They were not to be quarrelsome, but
to show meekness on all occasions, not toward friends only, but
to all men, though with wisdom,
James 3:13. And let this text
teach us how wrong it is for a Christian to be churlish to the
worst, weakest, and most abject. The servants of sin have many
masters, their lusts hurry them different ways; pride commands
one thing, covetousness another. Thus they are hateful,
deserving to be hated. It is the misery of sinners, that they
hate one another; and it is the duty and happiness of saints to
love one another. And we are delivered out of our miserable
condition, only by the mercy and free grace of God, the merit
and sufferings of Christ, and the working of his Spirit. God the
Father is God our Saviour. He is the fountain from which the
Holy Spirit flows, to teach, regenerate, and save his fallen
creatures; and this blessing comes to mankind through Christ.
The spring and rise of it, is the kindness and love of God to
man. Love and grace have, through the Spirit, great power to
change and turn the heart to God. Works must be in the saved,
but are not among the causes of their salvation. A new principle
of grace and holiness is wrought, which sways, and governs, and
makes the man a new creature. Most pretend they would have
heaven at last, yet they care not for holiness now; they would
have the end without the beginning. Here is the outward sign and
seal thereof in baptism, called therefore the washing of
regeneration. The work is inward and spiritual; this is
outwardly signified and sealed in this ordinance. Slight not
this outward sign and seal; yet rest not in the outward washing,
but look to the answer of a good conscience, without which the
outward washing will avail nothing. The worker therein is the
Spirit of God; it is the renewing of the Holy Ghost. Through him
we mortify sin, perform duty, walk in God's ways; all the
working of the Divine life in us, and the fruits of
righteousness without, are through this blessed and holy Spirit.
The Spirit and his saving gifts and graces, come through Christ,
as a Saviour, whose undertaking and work are to bring to grace
and glory. Justification, in the gospel sense, is the free
forgiveness of a sinner; accepting him as righteous through the
righteousness of Christ received by faith. God, in justifying a
sinner in the way of the gospel, is gracious to him, yet just to
himself and his law. As forgiveness is through a perfect
righteousness, and satisfaction is made to justice by Christ, it
cannot be merited by the sinner himself. Eternal life is set
before us in the promise; the Spirit works faith in us, and hope
of that life; faith and hope bring it near, and fill with joy in
expectation of it.
Verses 8-11
When the grace of God towards mankind has been declared,
the necessity of good works is pressed. Those who believe in
God, must make it their care to maintain good works, to seek
opportunities for doing them, being influenced by love and
gratitude. Trifling, foolish questions must be avoided, and
subtle distinctions and vain inquiries; nor should people be
eager after novelties, but love sound doctrine which tends most
to edifying. Though we may now think some sins light and little,
if the Lord awaken the conscience, we shall feel even the
smallest sin heavy upon our souls.
Verses 12-15
Christianity is not a fruitless profession; and its
professors must be filled with the fruits of righteousness,
which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. They
must be doing good, as well as keeping away from evil. Let
"ours" follow some honest labour and employment, to provide for
themselves and their families. Christianity obliges all to seek
some honest work and calling, and therein to abide with God. The
apostle concludes with expressions of kind regard and fervent
prayer. Grace be with you all; the love and favour of God, with
the fruits and effects thereof, according to need; and the
increase and feeling of them more and more in your souls. This
is the apostle's wish and prayer, showing his affection to them,
and desire for their good, and would be a means of obtaining for
them, and bringing down on them, the thing requested. Grace is
the chief thing to be wished and prayed for, with respect to
ourselves or others; it is "all good." |
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