Jonathan Blocher Biography

Jonathan Blocher |
Artist Jonathan Blocher has become one of the top
contemporary artists with his illuminated manuscripts. His Manuscriptures are created
with a prayer that these portions of God's Word will delight the eye and refresh
the spirit of all who see them.
Inspired by Scripture verses hanging in the Blocher home, Jonathan began practicing
calligraphy in 1965, at the age of twelve. He learned the art of illumination (the
decorative embellishment of a text) by studying reproduction of medieval manuscripts,
and began creating Manuscriptures while still in his early teens. He added screen printing
to his repertoire of skills during his high school years.
He continued his education at Wheaton College, majoring in Fine Arts and Biblical Studies.
Soon there after, with the encouragement and help of his family, Jonathan launched into
Manuscriptures full time, which has grown steadily ever since.
With a thirst for knowledge and a drive to excel, he continues to examine original
manuscripts at ever opportunity in both America and Europe, and to study with the leading
authorities. What he learns appears in the new Manuscriptures he creates.
Jonathan has received commissions from many Christian organizations, including Christianity,
MAP International, The Chapel of the Air, The International Bible Society, Youth for Christ USA,
Jews for Jesus, Moody Bible Institute, and the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy.
At the request of Mrs. Billy Graham, several of Jonathan's works were used in the decor of
the offices at the Billy Graham Center. The original artwork for our Psalm 16:11 Manuscripture
now hangs in Dr. Graham's study at The Cove.
Jonathan and his wife, Retha, who is an elementary school librarian, share their home in Salem,
Wisconsin, with three cats, Abraham, Sarah, and Ruth. While Jonathan's original works sell for
$800 or more, we are please to be able to offer his signed and numbered serigraphs, handsomely
framed, at modest prices so that every Christian home may have a constant witness of the
inspiration, comfort, and encouragement that is found in God's Holy Word.
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