
Christ-Centered Art
would like to provide you
the opportunity for to
get to know our artists
through art trivia.
Currently we have the
following trivia available
for Carl Brenders.

What is Carl's favorite

The Name of the Rose
by Umberto Eco

What is Carl's favorite
music or song?

Suzanne and Closing
Time by Leonard
Cohen; plus many
European songs

What is Carl's favorite

Romeo and Juliet

What is Carl's favorite


What is Carl's favorite

Mexian, French, or the
cuisine of whatever
country he's in, and
Mud Pie!

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Carl Brenders was born near Antwerp,
Belgium, and has drawn since childhood.
Brenders' paintings encompass every
intricacy of nature, for he devotes equal
attention to the detail of each wildlife
subject, its habitat, and the mood created
by light.
Brenders first creates his art images from
pencil sketches. Then, using a mixed-media
combination of watercolor and gouache
painting (a technique he developed during
the last 25 years), Carl finishes up his
images. His paintings are never complete
however, until the feathers, hair, leaves, or
pine thorns "get into his skin."
Carl Brenders has studied at the Fine Art
Academy in Antwerp and later at Berchem.
His artwork is regularly exhibited in the
Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum's
prestigious "Birds in Art" and "Wildlife in Art"
shows. Brenders is widely collected in North
America, France, Germany, Japan, Spain,
Holland, Argentina, and in his native Belgium.
Brenders combines his dreams, his senses,
his imagination, and his strict attention to
anatomical perfection to create his wildlife
art paintings.
Today, Carl divides his time between his
homes in Belgium and France. He has
produced wildlife illustrations for more than
20 books in a series entitled The Secret
Life of Animals. Carl's art is the subject of
the book, Wildlife: The Nature Painting of
Carl Brenders (Abrams/Mill Pond, 1994),
and it has been featured in More Wildlife
Painting: Techniques of Modern Masters
(Watson-Guptill Publications, 1996) and
The Best of Wildlife Art (North Light Books,
1997). Brenders can be seen in the Mill Pond
Press video: Windows into Wilderness: A
Portrait of Carl Brenders. In 1998, Carl
Brenders was inducted into the U.S. Art
Hall of Fame.
Carl Brenders says, "In my scenes of
nature, I like to share the experience of
being within the intimate world of the
animals — a little moment in paradise
together with them. Nature is already
beautiful, already perfect. That is why I
paint the way I do with so much detail and
so much realism — I want to capture that

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