"Chesterton sits high up in his imaginary apartment and looks out over America. He is a very elegant
cat and is the only son of our cats, Twiglet and Gabrielle. Malteazer, on of his two sisters, lives with
him. For his portrait, I chose a smart deco carpet for him to sit on and a 1930's deco wallpaper
for the background to match the period. I thought he would appreciate the interlaced bird pattern
which Edouard Benedictus so cleverly designed. Chesterton likes birds.
When Chesterton was born in our wardrobe some years ago, he was so lovely that my two sons and I devised
a way of making sure we kept him as well as Malteazer, his sister. 'Look,' we said to my husband, Evan,
'we've got a present for you - your very own cat.' Evan swallowed hard and said, "Oh, aren't I lucky." He
really is so good about this sort of thing. Chesterton always remembers Evan's birthday with a nice
present. He is very fond and proud of his cat, we're sure!
I painted this portrait especially to include in my first exhibition of cat paintings in New York."
--- Lesley Anne Ivory