
Now you can list your rare art prints and
canvases in our classified advertising
section. For a nominal annual fee, we will
list the art title, a detailed description
with asking price, and a way for interested
clients to contact you directly.
The best news is that we don't collect a
commission on your sale! Your listing will
provide advertising exposure to thousands
of potential art buyers for an entire year.
You name your price, work with interested
buyers directly, and keep the profits.
Christ-Centered Art is available to be a
third party for client-to-client purchases
when desired. When our services are used
for such transactions, we collect a 10%
fee on the sale. We can hold the buyer's
payment and/or inspect the seller's print
to be sure both parties are satisfied before
finalizing the transaction.

The annual fee for a classified listing is
$25.00 for the first art listing and $10.00
for each additional listing, payable by
check or money order.
If you would like to list an item on our
Art Classifieds page, please completely
fill out our art selling form. Make sure you
clearly disclose the type and condition of
the print(s) and whether or not they come
in the original packaging. Then, please print
a copy of the information you submitted
along with your payment. Feel free to call
us at 1-919-528-7777 with any questions.

Please note: Only genuine collectors may
list their art prints for sale on the site.
Christ-Centered Art guarantees to make
your listing available to potential art buyers
but cannot guarantee that your listing will
sell. We can provide a suggested selling
price so that your item will be more likely
to sell quickly.
Christ-Centered Art will not be held liable
for transactions between buyers and sellers
and recommends C.O.D. for purchases. All
parties are required to advertise, inform,
and negotiate with impeccable honesty.

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