
Our Price Match Guarantee lets you shop
with total confidence, knowing that Christ-
Centered Art will offer you the best prices

We will match or beat a competitor's price
on most art pieces listed on our website
and/or produced by the major publishing
houses we carry. The items must be the
same and in stock with both our company
and our competitor's company.
The price match applies to the total price
of the purchase, and the price matching
must be done before the actual purchase.
Simply let us know what the lower price is,
and where you found it!

Our price match is for final price including
any shipping, handling, and tax. Does not
include clearance sales, local store sales
and coupons, typographical errors, quantity
discounts or membership program pricing.
We must be supplied with a currently active
website URL displaying the item and price,
or a written quote from a local gallery. Item
must be available for immediate sale and
delivery. Price match excludes previous
sales. We reserve the right to limit the
quantities of price-matched items. This
information is subject to change without
prior notice.
Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to
answer any questions you have! Give us a
call toll free at 1-877-843-9278.

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