"Congratulations on your
winning the rarely given
out Gold Christ-Centered
Mall Award! Your website
glorifies the name of Jesus
by boldly proclaming the
Gospel. Your website
offers much value to its
visitors and edifies and teaches others
through art. Your website is well-balanced,
easily navigable, has a beautiful layout,
loads quickly, contains legible text, displays
proper spelling and grammar, shows quality
custom graphics, and has an easy way to
send e-mail. Well done!Christ-Centered Mall Award Team


"Congratulations on winning my Award of
Excellence for honoring Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior."Angie


"I'm happy to award you
with our Beauty of the
Net Award for a beautiful
website. Congratulations
on a job well done!"Web Design Team


"Congratulations on a
wonderful and very
well-designed site! I am
pleased to inform you
that your site has been
awarded the Bread of
Life Award.Rev. Margaret Cox


"Congratulations! Your
site referenced in the
subject has won The
Family Corner Safe
Surf Award!"Jeanine Haenel


"Congratulations in
designing a great
cat section on your
art website!"Webmaster


"Hello and congratulations on your AWARD
WINNING Site! Recently your website was
nominated for our "Award of Excellence"!
This nomination has been successful! Again,
Congratulations on winning this award! We
will validate your link and add your site to
our database of Award Winners as soon as
possible!Gospel Childe


I have visited Christ-
Centered Art and
found it to be worthy
of our Hawk award.
You now qualify for
our Bald Eagle Award,
which is given out to
the best site of the
week. After that, the Golden Eagle Award
for the month’s best site. So, good luck!"Tom Duda


"Congratulations! You have
won the Quatec's Web
Design Award. Your site
was reviewed for
originality, usefulness of
information, graphic
design, and was found to
add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and
concise design, and a wealth of information.
Your site only enhances the originality of
our Internet community. A job well done!"The Staff at Quatec Solutions


Your web site has
won the Wishing Well
Web Page Excellence
Award! Not all sites
are deemed worthy
of this prestigious
award. It is presented
only to those who
have created a site
that contains enjoyable content, is pleasant
to view, and is "family safe." Nice job! You
are to be commended for your all your hard
work. Again, congratulations on being a
Winner!"Mary Lou White
