Christian Ministry

Bible teaching
Symbolism used in the Bible

Word of God

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Action Meaning
Anointing Divine equipment from the Holy Spirit for service
Banqueting Feasting, festival time
Being awake Alertness, watchfulness
Being baptized Burial of the old life
Bathing Cleansing, purification
Breathing Impartation of life
Circumcision Cutting away the flesh life
Clapping Excitement, victory
Dancing Joy, exuberance
Fornicating Defiling by other loves, idolatry
Lifting hands Taking oath, praise, surrender
Marrying Union, two being made one
Running Zeal in the race of life
Sitting Finished work
Sleeping Rest, refreshment, spiritual indifference
Standing Uprightness, standing one's ground
Sweating Human works and activity
Walking Progress, advance, forward movement

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This teaching was written by David Holt Boshart, Jr.
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