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Cape Hatteras Light glories
in the majestic light of sunset. The elegant simplicity of the souring black and white tower
rises dramatically against the turbulant evening sky. Soon
this glorious glow in the heavens will fade, and the lighthouse
will send its searching finger of light far out into the Atlantic.
"The Cape Hatteras Light tower soars 225 feet into the sky (reputedly
the tallest in America); its beacon could be seen by ships navigating
these treacherous shores for many miles. Completed in 1870, the
conical brick and stone tower has kept its vigil through innumeral
storms. Though no longer in operation, Cape Hatteras Light still
stands a reminder of God's eternal vigilance on our behalf.
"Cape Hatteras Light celebrates the generosity of God's bounty as
revealed in His sunsets, and the serene strength of His loving
guidance, symbolized by this handsome historic lighthouse. By
night as well as by day, our path is guided by His light."
........................................-- Thomas Kinkade |

Standard Numbered Paper  |
Image Size: | 24" x 18" |
Edition Size: | 1,225 S/N |
Original Issue Price: | $230.00 |
Our Current Price: | Sold Out |
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Artist Proof Paper  |
Image Size: | 24" x 18" |
Edition Size: | 245 A/P |
Original Issue Price: | $280.00 |
Our Current Price: | Sold Out |
Place your order safely on our VeriSign secure server. | 

Standard Numbered Framed Canvas  |
Image Size: | 16" x 12" |
Edition Size: | 2,450 S/N |
Original Issue Price: | $700.00 |
Our Current Price: | $595.00 |
Place your order safely on our VeriSign secure server. | 
Price includes choice of Kinkade frame  |
Purchase unframed and save $75.00. |

Image Size: | 24" x 18" |
Edition Size: | 2,450 S/N |
Original Issue Price: | $995.00 |
Our Current Price: | $745.00 |
Place your order safely on our VeriSign secure server. | 
Price includes choice of Kinkade frame  |
Purchase unframed and save $100.00. |

Artist Proof Framed Canvas  |
Image Size: | 16" x 12" |
Edition Size: | 490 A/P |
Original Issue Price: | $860.00 |
Our Current Price: | $795.00 |
Place your order safely on our VeriSign secure server. | 
Price includes choice of Kinkade frame  |
Purchase unframed and save $75.00. |

Image Size: | 24" x 18" |
Edition Size: | 490 A/P |
Original Issue Price: | $1,160.00 |
Our Current Price: | $1,058.00 |
Place your order safely on our VeriSign secure server. | 
Price includes choice of Kinkade frame  |
Purchase unframed and save $100.00. |
Immediately go to the top of this page.  |  |
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