February 2, 2007
I sincerely hope that you will be blessed and encouraged by today's devotional.
Trivia Tidbit
The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.
Life Lesson
All other things being equal, a small animal must have a faster metabolism than a large animal if it is to replace the more quickly leaking energy. The metabolic structure of an organism is related to its size. A shrew or a hummingbird must be constantly eating or it will die or starvation in a matter of hours, while a large animal can sometimes hibernate and fast for long periods.
Spiritually, we are all hummingbirds. We must constantly ingest spiritual food or we will starve. Asaph found himself in despair and depression. He felt God had forsaken him when the long nights became agony because sleep eluded. It was then Asaph learned a valuable secret. He determined to recall God's great deeds, meditate on His miracles, and understand His nature. As Asaph ingested this spiritual food, he rose above his difficulties to attain victory.
Word Walk
Reflection. There is a path out of despair and depression. It starts with focusing on the character and deeds of a loving God. When we lift our eyes to Him, the sorrows of the present are put into perspective.
Read Psalm 77 to learn more about Asaph's reflection and then read the Power Points below.
Power Points
Below are valuable lessons you can apply to your life.
- Trouble always looms larger at night. Asaph couldn't sleep because of the troubles that frightened and plagued him (Psalm 77:2).
- Sometimes we can feel as though God doesn't hear or care. Asaph pleaded, "Will the Lord cast off for ever?" (Psalm 77:7).
- Selective memory brings us back. Asaph decided to remember God's deeds. This started his healing (Psalm 77:11).
- Meditating on God's miracles lifts us. Asaph recalled all the wonderful things God had done for him and for Israel (Psalm 77:12).
- Understanding God's character sustains us. Asaph knew his trial was not forever, but God's love was. He was lifted (Psalm 77:15).
Dear Lord, when circumstances in my life seem to overwhelm me, help me to remember all the blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. Keep my eyes fixated on You and may the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart bring praise, honor, and glory to You. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by today's manna. I really encourage you to visit our
Scripture of the Day page each day for spiritual sustenance.