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Christian Health Newspaper Section and Christian Health News Headlines

Christian health news headlines can be found in the Christian health newspaper section of headline news at Christ-Centered Mall.

Health News

Healthy Lady

Scripture Reference

"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."

-- Proverbs 16:24

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

-- III John 1:2

Introduction to Health Section

Peak Performance

In our fast-paced society, it is easy to become negligent in the area of nutrition. Instead of researching the hard facts, many of us allow ourselves to be gullible when it comes to diet and health trends, believing whatever the media says about the latest "findings" or buying the most convenient products at the grocery store. But don't be fooled: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:8).

The truth of the matter is, we the people are exchanging health for faster foods and cheaper products. This fact becomes especially alarming when you learn that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) actually promotes that exchange! The FDA deliberately allows toxins into foods and drinking water, markets highly dangerous flu shots and vaccines, creates higher fines for farmers of natural foods, and suppresses the publication of accurate information regarding the benefits of healthy foods.
Why, you might ask? Well, mainly because such sinister business is lucrative — not only for the government-run FDA but also for the trillion-dollar health care industry. To put it bluntly, the modern health care regime does not care for the well-being of its citizens but only seeks to gain control over an increasingly weak, sick, and lethargic population.

Please check out the health stories below to get informed on the facts. Learn how to protect yourself and your family from becoming victims of "the system" and find out how your body's vitality is directly related to the quality of your food, air, and water intake.

Health Stories

Aspartame Poison

Aspartame is a lethal artificial sweetener which has been linked to more than ninety adverse reactions in the human body.

Article #1
Aspartame Products
Buzz Meter 5

Avian Bird Flu

The evil plans behind the avian bird flu and how to survive this likely pandemic.

Video #1Video #2Video #3Video #4Video #5Video #6

Video #7Video #8Video #9Video #10Video #11Video #12

Video #13Video #14Video #15Video #16
Avian Bird Flu
Buzz Meter 10

Bible Foods

Bible-based cuisine is naturally wholesome, providing a basis for preventative and remedial healthcare.

Article #1
Healthy Bible Foods
Buzz Meter 3

Chemtrail Collusion

Those cloudy trails in the sky are chemicals designed to weaken your immune system.

Article #1
Buzz Meter 8

Depleted Uranium

Gulf War Syndrome, caused by depleted uranium used in military warheads, is slowly killing civilians, soldiers, and land.

Video #1
Depleted Uranium
Buzz Meter 4

Fluoride Fraud

A toxic byproduct from the manufacture of atomic bombs, fluoride is dangerous to your health.

Article #1
Fluoride Toothpaste
Buzz Meter 6

Microwave Menace

Microwaves add a high level of radiation to your food and severely reduce the nutritional content.

Article #1
Microwave Oven
Buzz Meter 7

MSG Additive

Pre-packaged foods are loaded with MSG. Its addictive qualities and flavor actually promote obesity.

Article #1
MSG in Fast Foods
Buzz Meter 2

Virulent Vaccines

Modern vaccinations are not as safe as we've been told. The dangers far outweigh the benefits.

Article #1
Deadly Vaccinations
Buzz Meter 9

This page contains external links to websites which are editorially relevant to these health stories. Christ-Centered Mall is not responsible for the content of these news sites since we do not produce, maintain, or update them and because the content of these websites can be changed without our knowledge or consent. Links to such sites are not endorsements of any product or service offered, and the views and beliefs expressed by these websites are not necessarily an indication of the views and beliefs held by Christ-Centered Mall.
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Christian Health Newspaper Section and Christian Health News Headlines

Christian health news headlines can found in the Christian health newspaper section on the Christ-Centered Mall Headline News page.