Who is the strange woman pictured on the Starbucks logo? Why, she is none other than a siren, sweetly singing her charming but deadly songs! In Greek mythology, the sirens were sea deities (goddesses) who lived on the rocky cliffs of remote islands. When seamen sailed near these islands, they were seduced by the sirens' enchanting music, inevitably steering off course and wrecking their ships on the rocky coast. The sailors then met their death at the hands of these bloodthirsty, female-looking creatures.
As some readers may know, Starbucks changed their corporate logo not once but twice because some consumers found the split tail of their topless siren too lurid and suggestive. First, a simplified logo was introduced, hiding the siren's breasts under waves of hair, but it still showed the belly button and the two tails. Then second, this image was cropped and enlarged so the split in the siren's tail would no longer show. Now, the only indication that this female icon is a sea creature is in the wavy lines, which originally were part of the representation of the two tails.
Although the image is that of a split-tailed sea creature or mermaid, it is still a siren. More specifically, it is a double-tailed siren, a baubo siren, which The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects points out, is "a cross between a mermaid and a sheila-na-gig." The suggestive pose refers to female sexual mysteries and the lure of temptation for any simple-minded fellow. The sheila-na-gig is rooted in paganism and the worship of evil spirits, yet ironically, it is found on many European churches and cathedrals as a decorative motif.
The Bible gives a fitting description of a seductive woman: "For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell"
(Proverbs 5:3-5). The Starbucks siren logo promotes the strange woman of Proverbs 5 and subliminally advocates shameful sexual perversions and lusts.
Anti-God Starbucks Cups

An Ohio woman is steaming after reading an anti-God message published on the side of a Starbucks coffee cup.
The message that got Michelle Incanno's blood boiling reads:
"Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure."The quote was written by a Canadian Starbucks customer, and was included as part of a campaign called The Way I See It — which, the Seattle-based coffee giant claims, was intended to spur discussion on different viewpoints. But Incanno stated, "As someone who loves God, I was so offended by that. I don't think there needs to be religious dialogue on it. I just want coffee."
That wasn't the only offending Starbucks coffee cup. A Starbucks cup promoting a pro-homosexual message caused a lot of controversy in Waco, Texas. As World Net Daily reported in September 2005, officials at Baylor University told the Starbucks store on its Waco, Texas, campus to remove a cup featuring the words of a homosexual novelist.
And last but not least, a third anti-God sentiment appeared on a Starbucks cup in 2007, slamming the Christian faith and the Bible's message regarding heaven and hell. While Starbucks' disclaimer states that the messages on their cups do not necessarily reflect the views of the corporation, there is clearly a liberal bias on the part of those who permit the release of these cups. Certainly, these facts should disturb those who love the Lord Jesus Christ.