November 1998
While part one of this teaching focused on the Biblical aspects of health, this part of
the teaching focuses on healthy eating habits and on ways
to combat common health problems.
Your body needs five essential ingredients to function properly: fats, carbohydrates, protein, water, and fiber.
Below I will describe in detail the benefits of each ingredient, what vitamins and minerals are in each
ingredient, proper quantities to take of each ingredient, and what foods contain these ingredients.
Your calories from fat should be less than 30% of your ideal caloric level.
Fat contains approximately 9 calories per gram. It has more than twice as
many calories as pure sugar. A moderate intake of fat
helps insure maintenance of body weight, decrease your risk of heart disease,
and provides satiety and
flavor to your diet.
To lose weight, one must know the calorie formula.
3500 calories equals approximately 1 pound of body weight.
In order to lose one pound of body weight, your body must (each day)
burn 500 calories more than you consume as food.
Let's say you buy a Whopper from Burger King which contains approximately 35
grams of fat. Well you multiply 35g x 9 cal/g = 315 calories. If your overall
caloric intake for that particular day was 3,000 calories, you then want to divide
3000 c / 315c = 9.52% which simply means that you are about 1/3 of the way from
your total daily fat intake. Yet make sure, as you read below, you intake monosaturated
and polyunsaturated fats and cut down on the saturated fats.
There are three types of fats: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.
Consuming a diet low in saturated fat is good because you may decrease your risk of heart disease and possibly
some forms of cancer. Foods lower in saturated fat include lowfat or nonfat dairy products, egg substitutes,
nuts and legumes, corn, and safflower oils. Your intake of saturated fats should be 10% or less of your
total caloric intake.
Foods that contain monounsaturated fat may protect against heart disease. Foods high in monounsaturated
fat include olives, olive oil, avocados, and mayonnaise. Your intake of monounsaturated fats should be 10% or less of your
total caloric intake.
Polyunsaturated fat provides adequate protection against heart disease without providing excess fat. Foods
high in polyunsaturated fat include tub margarine, safflower and sunflower oils, sunflower seeds, fish, and
walnuts. Your intake of polyunsaturated fats should be 10% or less of your
total caloric intake.
There are two main sources of fats: animal sources and plant sources:
Limiting fat from animal sources is good because a diet low in animal fat generally reflects a diet low
in saturated fat and cholesterol, which may help reduce your risk for heart disease and certain cancers.
Fish is a good, generally low fat source of protein containing mostly unsaturated fats. Including fish in
your diet also provides omega-3 fatty acids, which may be helpful in preventing heart disease. Remember
to use added fats sparingly when you are preparing fish.
Some fat is needed in the diet. Plant fat is less saturated than animal sources of fat, and may contribute
less to heart disease and cancer. Some plant fats, however, such as coconut oil and palm oil, are high in
saturated fat and should be limited! Vegetable oils, nuts, tub margarine, and seeds are a good source of plant
fat to include in your diet.
Your calories from carbohydrates should be within 55-80% of your ideal caloric level.
Carbohydrates contain approximately 4 calories per gram. Consuming carbohydrates at
this level helps provide the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you need for an active lifestyle. Be sure to include
generous amounts of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, pasta, and cereals and limit added sugars to
10% or less of your total caloric intake. To calculate your total carbohydrate intake, simply
follow the formula used for total fat intake above but substitute 4 calories per gram instead
of 9 calories per gram.
Complex carbohydrates are your body's preferred and best utilized energy source. A low carbohydrate intake also
decreases your likelihood of getting enough fiber in your diet. Foods high in complex carbohydrates/natural sugars
include breads, cereals, grains, pastas, fruits, vegetables, and dried beans.
Since sugar contributes no nutrients other than calories and often travels with fat, a low intake is positive. By
limiting the amount of sugar foods in your diet, you leave room for foods that have nutrients as well as calories.
You should avoid or limit high sugar foods such as regular soft drinks (which have twice as much sugar as Kool-Aid
per serving!), desserts, cookies, frozen desserts such as ice cream or ice milk, flavored yogurts, and sweetened
On food labels, the terms dextrose, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, and molasses all
indicate added sugars. Your intake of simple sugars should be 10% or less of your
total caloric intake.
Your protein intake should be between 10%-20% of your total caloric intake.
Proteins contain approximately 4 calories per gram. Too much protein strains your
kidneys and may cause you to lose calcium. Protein consumed in excess of the amount you need is stored in your
body as fat. High protein foods include beef, pork, chicken, fish, nuts, dried beans, and dairy products. A three
ounce portion of meat, which is a recommended serving size, is about the size of a deck of cards.
To calculate your total protein intake, simply
follow the formula used for total fat intake above but substitute 4 calories per gram instead
of 9 calories per gram.
There are two sources of protein: animal sources and plant sources.
Animal sources of protein are more complete than plant sources; however,
they also commonly contain cholesterol and
higher levels of saturated fat than plan sources. A high proportion of protein in the diet may crowd out foods
high in carbohydrate (vegetables and grains ) which are your best source of energy and contain other nutrients
your body needs. Your intake of animal protein should be 50% or less of your
total protein intake.
Plant sources include nuts, grains, and seeds. They have no cholesterol and have less saturated fat
than animal sources of protein. Your intake of plant protein should be 50% or more of your
total protein intake.
Water is a very essential nutrient for the body. It flushes impurities out of your body and helps your body
to absorb vitamins more readily.
Bottled water is a must these days with all of the toxins in the tap. Distilled water
is best, even though there are no minerals in it. Distilled water is free of all
impurities that can still be found in bottled water, therefore accompany a well-balanced
diet and a good multi-vitamin to make up for this. You should consume about eight 8 oz glasses
of water a day.
Fiber is extremely important to the human body, and it allows foods
to digest properly and flow smoothly through one's digestive tract.
Your diet should contain at least 30 grams of dietary fiber
a day. This is easily accomplished by substituting whole grain breads and cereals for refined cereals and flour,
legumes for red meat, fruits for sweet desserts, and adding salads on a daily basis.
Too much fiber, however, may
cause poor absorption of vitamins and minerals and lead to nutritional deficiencies. Too much fiber may also cause
intestinal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, and cramping. Fiber fills you, but it doesn't
fatten you.
Vitamins and Minerals
Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients essential for growth and renewal. They contain generous amounts of vitamins
which regulate metabolism and help in the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into energy.
Fruits and vegetables
also contain minerals that are necessary for nerve and muscle function and
are the building material for some body tissue.
Fruits and vegetables can protect the body from such major diseases
as cancer and heart disease. Some are high in substances called anti-oxidants, such as beta carotene, Vitamin C and E and
selenium, which are nutrients that protect cell membranes from the damage of free radicals.
An adequate intake of vitamin A insures proper night vision and healthy skin.
Vitamin A may decrease your risk of some
forms of cancer. Including a variety of vegetables such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, winter squash, and other dark
green leafy vegetables will continue to supply you with adequate amounts of vitamin A.
An adequate intake of vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) will help your body resist infection and improves
wound healing. Choosing a variety of
fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, green peppers, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, broccoli, cabbage,
and lemons will help insure adequate
intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C also acts as an anti-oxidant thus aiding in the absorption of iron by the body.
Potassium helps maintain your body's water balance and perform other functions. Choosing varied foods such as legumes (beans),
whole grains, oranges, bananas, leafy vegetables, broccoli, potatoes, and meats will continue to provide you with
the recommended amount of potassium in your diet.
Iron is often lacking in diets. Selecting lean red meats, mustard greens, kale, and fortified breads and cereals will
provide you with adequate iron for a healthy diet. Please note: high levels of stress and exposure to second hand smoke
will reduce your body's storage of vitamin C.
Calcium is essential for proper bone growth and development. Good sources of calcium include lowfat and nonfat dairy
products, broccoli, mustard greens, and kale.
Phosphorus is essential in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Phosphorus also functions in the breakdown of
food for energy. Good sources of phosphorus include lean meats, low fat and nonfat dairy products, lowfat baked
products, and nuts.
A diet high in sodium can lead to water retention and high blood pressure. Many processed foods such as frozen
dinners, canned vegetables, soups, and luncheon meats are high in sodium. When purchasing these types of foods, choose
lower sodium versions. Selecting unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help keep your sodium intake
within the recommended range.
Unhealthy Substances
Alcohol in excess impairs judgment and damages the liver.
From a caloric perspective, alcohol contains approximately 7 calories per gram! You can
gain unwanted pounds quickly, yet receive no nutritional value from these empty calories
for alcohol contains zero nutrients.
Caffeine is a substance unnecessary for good health and may actually be detrimental in larger quantities. Caffeine has
been shown to cause complications during pregnancy, contribute to osteoporosis in women, increase hyperactivity in children,
and cause mood swings.
MSG (monosodium glutamate)
is known to trigger migraine headache, tachycardia, arrhythmia, seizures, asthma,
nausea and vomiting, hives, skin rash, anxiety attacks, depression and much,
much more in people who have become sensitive to it. It causes gross obesity
and learning disorders in laboratory animals that ingest it when young. It can be found
in Chinese food (if you don't tell them no MSG) and even on crops that are now being sprayed with
this harmful substance; thus it is wisdom to wash all your fruits and vegetables.
Aspartame (phenylalanine)
is found in Equal brand sugar substitute and products sweetened with Nutrasweet brand sweetener such as fat free
yogurt, Metrex protein powder, and sugar free gum.
Aspartame is highly dangerous as far as I'm concerned. In fact the inventor of it pleaded that the product wouldn't
pass the FDA regulations. Unfortunately he died and this substance was subsequently passed.
After consumption, the body
converts aspartame to methanol, formic acid, and formaldehyde (the same substance
used to embalm animals with for purposes of
scientific study). The last two of the three poisons, formaldehyde and formic acid, are said to be carcinogens!
The body cannot effectively eliminate
formaldehyde, and in fact, it has a difficult time eliminating it. Some of it
is combined with water and stored as fat or
further converted by the liver into formic acid.
Poisoning from methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid causes
cumulative damage and at some point the victim
gets some bad news. The damage varies in type and amount
from victim to victim - from immediate seizures or migraines
to being on the verge of death from unknown factors fifteen years later.
Helpful Additions
David Wilkerson, a leading prophet of our time, who once suffered from
chronic colon problems said, "The Holy Spirit taught me what to do: I got off sugar. I drink the juice of carrots and
apples daily. I drink barley green, and I take well-rounded vitamin and mineral supplements."
According to the American Holistic Medical Association, even if you eat a balanced diet with generous
selections of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, you could still benefit from
vitamin and mineral supplementation because North American farmlands rarely contain optimum nutrients, especially
trace minerals due to the loss of topsoil. That means it would take a large quantity of vegetables, for example, to get the optimum
dosages of trace minerals, more than most people could chew in a day. Therefore,
supplements are not "substitutes" for healthy food, but they do supply the nutrients
lost from our food by deficient soils (mentioned above), transport, processing, and cooking.
Barleygreen is rapidly becoming North America's leading health drink.
That's because Barleygreen's nutritional profile is one of the best:
Barleygreen contains the widest range of vitamins and minerals.
Barleygreen is processed using a patented low-temperature, spray-drying
process, so that the nutrients and the important enzymes remain intact.
When you use Barleygreen, you're getting a "live"
drink, full of the green goodness of barley grass.
Of all the green grass juices, Barleygreen is recognized as the world's leading
nutritious supplement, and barleygreen captures these nutrients in a convenient
and easy-to-use powder or caplet form.
Juices contain all of the goodness of the whole
product in a condensed form.
By Juicing fruits and vegetables,
nutrients are quickly assimilated since the body does not have to separate out the fiber.
Juices should be used as replacements for non-nutritious beverages such as soda, coffee, or alcohol.
In preparation for bottling, fruits and vegetables are usually heated and otherwise processed. These processes cause
the loss of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and enzymes. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices that are extracted and
consumed shortly thereafter, experience a minimum amount of nutrient loss.
Drinking juices can have many therapeutic benefits; however, juicing is not recommended to take
the place of medical treatment, but as an adjunct to treatment. Also, since fruit juice is high in
natural sugars, it should be used sparingly by those who have been advised to limit their sugar
intake. This may include individuals who have diabetes, hypoglycemia, candidiasis, and gout.
The best way to lose weight is to eat enough food to supply calories within your ideal
caloric range, limit saturated fat and simple sugars, and increase your activity level.
Undereating is not the answer.
Undereating may make you more prone to health problems, lessen your resistance to disease,
or give you headaches. A low calorie intake may cause
you to feel tired and may also lead to binge eating due
to hunger.
The Atkins diet has recently received a lot of notoriety. The Atkins diet encourages an individual
to eat all of the fat and protein he or she wants in a meal while avoiding all forms
of carbohydrate. However, it is important to note that carbohydrates, especially
complex carbohydrates, are essential.
People who are on the Atkins diet do not get the fiber, vitamins, and minerals from carbohydrates which are needed for
healthy living; but rather do much harm to their arteries by intaking large amounts of
saturated fat plus harm their kidneys by eating large amounts of protein.
Common Health Problems
Certain B vitamins have been
found to be deficient in patients with severe depression.
According to a study cited in the Journal of Nutritional
Medicicine, the most common symptom of a vitamin B12 deficiency is
fatigue. Thiamine
has also been found to help with fatigue. Eating sugar will cause thiamine depletion as
will smoking tobacco products and drinking alcohol.
Certain B vitamins have been
found to be deficient in patients with severe depression.
Sleeping pills, sedatives, and tranquilizers
can contribute to poor quality sleep. It is much better to go the natural route. Calcium (always
combined with magnesium) helps relax the muscles and sooth the nerves. Magnesium also
works with vitamin B6 and tryptophan.
Vitamin C (especially with bioflavonoids) helps
reduce the severity of colds. You should take a vitamin C formula that uses lemon,
grape, citrus, buckwheat, and green tea for bioflavonoids.
Arthritis can be caused by food allergies.
Common allergens are sugar, beef, chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, corn, milk,
malt, pork, soybeans, potatoes, spices, tomatoes, wheat, and yeast. Arthritis pain
comes from swelling, so seek out foods containing natural anti-inflammatory agents.
Curcumin (which gives turmeric its yellow color) has been found in studies to work
better than ibuprofen. Bromelian (from pineapple) and bioflavonoids (found in green
peppers, citrus fruit, and berries) are other natural anti-inflammatories.
When it comes to curing acne, the answer
is zinc.
The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that "people perish for lack of knowledge."
By obtaining the knowledge from this teaching and applying it to your daily lifestyle, you will be on your way to living a
healthier and more satisfying life.
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